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Are you ready to take your life back? 

In the beginning, we establish safety, cover your history and build connection, before we ever begin exploring breathwork or transformational processes. This generally happens a few sessions after we begin working together and we only do this work when you are safe, ready, and comfortable exploring it.



Welcome and thank you for your interest in Transformational Breathwork!  I’m honored to share some information and hope to breathe with you someday. I am a Certified Online Transformational Breathwork Coach and Group Facilitator. In the beginning, we can be stuck in different places. Some people are shut down, and unable to feel. Others may be locked in a high emotional response and emoting feelings 24/7. It’s best to start where you are as we learn how to breathe and ground the body, and slow down the nervous system as we begin this work together. I never thought breathwork would have changed my life, but I am here to tell you it has shifted things drastically for me!


How this works:

You explore and set your intention for what you’d like to get out of your breathwork session. Then, you will lay down, get comfortable, and close your eyes, or soften your gaze.  Begin to focus internally. I will then guide you in a full body relaxation while you focus on breathing deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth, using specific breaths we will go over once you’ve completed the pre-screening and safety questions. Breathing this way helps prepare the body and mind to relax and let go. Certain types of breaths allow us to leave “the default network”, so we can expand into a deeper state of consciousness. In this space we can feel and release more deeply and get insight into deeper connection and healing. We select music with intention for the journey, as it often has a profound effect on the body and mind and can enhance the breathwork experience. Sometimes we breathe for a few minutes, other times we breathe for longer.  


Once we are finished and you are upright again, we can discuss whatever you are comfortable sharing from your experience, if anything.  Preparation and integration is an essential part of any breathwork practice. Breathwork can impact our being including physical, mental, emotional, environmental, and spiritual realms of self. Focusing on integration can enrich our experience by allowing us to digest, embody and apply to our daily lives the insights gleaned while doing in-depth exploratory work.  Everyone integrates differently, so go with what feels good and right to you. The feelings, sensations or visions can come quickly and can be easily forgotten. Journaling is one way we can solidify the memory and integrate the insight it delivered. I look forward to breathing with you soon!



I see recovery as the opportunity to reclaim the lost parts of self and begin again as a whole person.  I am an Internationally Credentialed Trauma Recovery Coach and a Peer Specialist. I have been recovering from toxic relationships and addictive behaviors since August of 2017. As I have reclaimed the missing pieces of self, I have felt more whole and healed with every step and my life has opened in ways I never thought possible.


How this works:

As a trauma survivor in recovery, I can meet you with compassionate understanding. It’s important that you realize, I don’t think there is anything wrong with you and I don’t Coach from a place where I see people as broken or damaged. As a survivor of trauma, I believe you are having a normal reaction to an abnormal situation. Whatever you’ve experienced, past or present, is your body, mind, and soul’s way of coping with the traumatic experiences you’ve survived.

I also Coach from the belief you already have everything inside of you to heal and move into a life of deeper purpose and meaning right now. You just may need some help as you uncover these answers. As we journey, I will not judge, shame or pathologize you for anything you may be thinking, doing, feeling, or believing. We are peers and equals and I will not treat you as someone that has less power than I do, and I will never ask you to do an exercise or process I haven’t personally experienced myself. I won’t offer advice, as I believe you know what’s best for your life, and how to move forward with safe, compassionate support.  My role is to be a source of knowledge, validation, and empowerment and to encourage you to stay present and work through things, as feelings come up along the way.  Refashioning our lives to live from a place of empowered healing gives us the ability to write our own happy ending, so no matter what happens, we are home, grounded and free.



It has taken a village of different modalities and working with Coaches, Mentors, Therapists, and Healers to help me break generational patterns of dysfunction and evolve my life. I worked with an Accelerated Evolution Coach (AE) for 6 months and the tools handed to me were so powerful, I became an AE Certified Coach with the organization immediately. I have used the methods with clients for years now and it never ceases to amaze me the pure truth and insight that lands when we open up to ourselves on deeper levels. These AE methods and transformational breathwork have been two of the most successful tools I’m learning to master along my path.    


How it works:

These step-by-step quantum processes have been used for centuries to help dissolve emotional charges we can get stuck in when we’ve experienced trauma. These responses can show up in confusing ways such as mental images, thoughts or negative self-talk, emotions, and body sensations that can be powerfully overwhelming. We can’t create change on top of emotional charge, so we must dissolve the charge to move forward, out of the trauma of what happened. Together we can gently help you develop skills, use tools, and empower you with knowledge to process through the constricted feelings, thoughts, memories and body sensations that may be locked into the body or brain. Then we can feel whole enough to begin again and see life with a new set of eyes, from a new, more healed perspective.


I verbally guide you through simple steps, that once learned, become tools you can use to self-care and reduce emotional overwhelm. These techniques create lasting change by bringing you out of conflict with yourself and into alignment on a consciousness level. These verbally guided processes only take minutes and allow you to dissolve inner conflict, clear emotional constriction and release stored trauma. The methods are incredibly simple, yet they help you isolate any internal knots keeping you stuck and together, we slowly, untangle them. Once we are free from the traumatic emotional charges, we are then able to be more present and lean into living a life of deeper purpose and connection.


As you can see it’s taken a village of people and therapies to help me heal and move forward. When you are ready to begin your healing journey, please reach out to schedule a consultation video call. Thank you for being here and as always, please take care of you.

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